Buying a travel insurance before your trips is extremely important because it will allow you to simply enjoy your holiday without having to worry about anything else. There are many things you must consider before buying a travel insurance online, and one of the best tips you can follow is not to care only about the cost. We all want to spend as little as possible on such things, but the more you pay, the more the insurance will cover which means that if anything happens during your trip, you will be paid back and won't lose money in the end. Consider how much you will travel in one year Many people are not aware of this, but you have the option to buy an annual multi-trip travel insurance which will end up being cheaper than buying individual insurance for every trip, especially if you travel more than three times a year. However, you must take into consideration how many days you will be away from home in one year since most of these annual multi-trip travel insurance options only cover 31 days. Cancellation We recommend you buy your travel insurance as soon as you book your trip because, in case it gets canceled or delayed, your policy might have a cancellation cover which means you won’t lose any money. However, some insurers only offer £300 of cancellation cover, which means that, if you are going on an expensive holiday, you should buy a travel insurance that allows around £3,000 or more. Baggage Most people include baggage cover in their travel insurance policies, but you might not need to do this if you have a home insurance because some of them also cover your personal belongings even when you are far away from home. Driving coverage If you are planning on driving during your trip, make sure your car insurance covers you wherever you are. In case it doesn't, make sure to pay extra to obtain more coverage.