The first thing you should do is and check if you were wrongly sold PPI, and without your consent (remember the product is optional). There are also certain circumstances during your PPI subscription that indicate you are entitled to reclaim your PPI payments. These circumstances include your employment status (unemployed, self-employed or retired), your medical condition, and your age. Complete the Requisite Paper Work It is advisable to organise the relevant paper work, and this includes any documentation that indicates you took the policy. In case you are not sure about the relevancy of a document, just make a copy of it and consult a financial expert or the Financial Office of the Ombudsman. The paper work should also be legible enough and it should be free from typos to avoid the document being sent back and forth. Lodge a Complain You should write a letter to the financial institution who sold you the PPI. You can use a template that is free to download from online sources, or fill in a questionnaire from a financial institution website. The form is standard and it is also the same document used by the Financial Ombudsman service. Wait for a Response If you fail to receive a response within eight weeks, it is advisable to send a protest letter to the Financial Ombudsman office who will guide you through the filling in of a questionnaire that decides whether or not you are eligible for the claim. Wait for your Money After lodging a complaint with the financial Ombudsman Office, your money should arrive within a period of eight weeks. Ensure that the cash you receive is the correct amount.