If you are looking for a reliable bank that operates online, a good idea is to choose credible banks such as Ally Bank. In fact, one of the things that put clients off is the money banks charge for maintaining checking accounts. However, at Ally Bank, that fee does not exist. If you are looking for a bank that gives you the opportunity to get your savings to grow, Ally Bank provides the most suitable alternative. To join the bank, simply visit their website and, provided you are at least 18 years old, proceed to fill in the form with the requested information to become a member. Consider Banking with Bank5Connect When it comes to online banking, Bank5Connect provides a good solution. Like Ally Bank, it does not charge any monthly fee for maintaining a CD account. Furthermore, the bank offers its clients a mobile app and a live chat through which they can communicate both with the administrators and with each other. Through such online technology, Bank5 clients enjoy faster service as well as high-level customer care. To join the bank, just visit their website, provide the details requested, and you are good to go! Consider banking with Discover Bank To begin with, the level of interest on deposit is appreciable. It comes with no charge for the maintenance of CD accounts. Clients enjoy improved customer support as well as faster service and low minimum deposit for the opening of CD accounts. To become a member of Discover Bank, simply go to the bank’s website and provide all the details required. Choose GE Capital Bank for Online Banking This bank offers a higher saving on CD rates. However, it does not offer mobile apps or live chat support for its members, and neither does it provide continuous phone service. You can become a member by going on their website and providing the requested personal details. Consider opening an account with Synchrony Bank Members can join this account via these simple steps: just provide the personal information requested, select your preferred account, select your account funding option, and mail the completed form to your new account.