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The 5 diet plans you would never try

This is a very popular trend in southern California. It is a concoction of maple syrup, squeezed lemons, and cayenne pepper which people drink to cleanse their bowels and GI tract. When following this plan you should also drink herbal tea at night and salty water in the morning upon waking up. However, this plan lacks essential body nutrients like iron, proteins, calcium, and zinc. Dietitians therefore don’t recommend using it for more than two days. The hCG diet This diet plan is a very low-calorie one as it has only about 500 to 800 calories per day. Food intake should be accompanied by injections of human chorionic gonadotropin which is a pregnancy hormone. While it definitely leads to weight loss, this is a very risky diet plan as its calorie level falls below the normally required one of 1000 calories. The cabbage soup diet This diet has not been recommended by any known association in the world and therefore one should never try it. The soup featured is a mixture of celery, carrots, peppers, cabbage, and onions, and no matter what version of this recipe you use, it is taken on a seven day cycle. It has numerous veggies nutrients as well as giving the body plenty of fluids. The raw food diet By sticking to this diet plan, a person gets calories from uncooked and unprocessed foods. It is rich in vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts, beans, sprouted seeds and grains. Those who take raw foods usually believe that some foods destroy enzymes that are very beneficial to the body. The breatharian diet plan It is a recipe that advocates living on air alone, without water or food. This is very dangerous because the body can only survive without food and water for a few days.