Going on vacation is always exciting but there are some serious issues to take care of right before leaving. One of them is buying a travel insurance policy. One of the things you must take into account before buying one is to check what is already covered by your home insurance policy because some of them include insurance for personal items even when you are far way from home. If that is the case with yours, you could decide not to buy a luggage cover with your travel insurance policy and therefore save money, which is always a plus. Choose an annual cover if you travel a lot Some people travel a lot throughout the year either for work or because they have the chance of going on vacation often. If that is your case, you should consider buying an annual cover, especially if you travel at least three times a year. This type of cover will, in fact, end up being much cheaper than buying singular travel insurance policies for every trip. However, note that this is convenient only as long as you are not away for more than 31 days. Look out for age limits and medical exclusions Some travel insurance policies, especially the cheaper ones, will most probably not insure people who are over 65 years old, even if they are healthy. Also, many of these policies will not cover any pre-existing conditions such as asthma, so before buying one make sure they cover everything you think is necessary. Risky activities might not be covered Many people decide to try risky activities during their holidays such as jet skiing or mountain climbing. However, you should know that most of these activities are either not covered by travel insurance policies or require a higher premium. Don't buy from a travel agent or airline company If you want to buy a good yet affordable travel insurance policy, refrain from buying one from travel agents, tour operators, or airline companies.